Dăruiește pentru o cauză nobilă

Transformă-ți donațiile în impact real pentru cei care au nevoie.

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Despre noi - Giveback

O platformă dedicată donațiilor pentru cauze sociale, oferind transparență și impact.




Impact pozitiv garantat

Împreună schimbăm

Donații pentru cauze

Oferim o platformă de donații pentru sprijinirea cauzelor sociale și comunității.

Impactul donațiilor tale
A black and white poster is taped to a pole, containing text about ways to help social justice causes. The poster mentions donating to various funds, signing petitions, getting educated on issues, and using personal privilege to speak up.
A black and white poster is taped to a pole, containing text about ways to help social justice causes. The poster mentions donating to various funds, signing petitions, getting educated on issues, and using personal privilege to speak up.

Primești rapoarte despre impactul donațiilor tale și cum ajută comunitatea.

A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper displaying the word 'DONATIONS' in bold uppercase letters. The typewriter is on a wooden surface with a soft focus on the background.
A vintage typewriter with a sheet of paper displaying the word 'DONATIONS' in bold uppercase letters. The typewriter is on a wooden surface with a soft focus on the background.
A person crouches in front of a clothing and shoe donation bin with colorful graffiti-covered walls in the background. The bin has text indicating it's for the National Children's Cancer Society. The person is wearing a black shirt and ripped jeans, pointing towards the camera. A pile of clothing items is visible on the ground nearby.
A person crouches in front of a clothing and shoe donation bin with colorful graffiti-covered walls in the background. The bin has text indicating it's for the National Children's Cancer Society. The person is wearing a black shirt and ripped jeans, pointing towards the camera. A pile of clothing items is visible on the ground nearby.
Evenimente de sprijin

Participă la evenimente care susțin cauzele tale preferate și conectează-te cu alții.

Confirmări pentru donații

Primești confirmări pentru fiecare donație efectuată prin platforma noastră.

Proiecte Sociale

Sprijină cauze sociale prin donații și implicare comunitară.

A person wearing a red apron with white text and holding a donation cup. The text mentions 'St-Vincent de Paul'. The individual also carries a coat and has a braided hairstyle.
A person wearing a red apron with white text and holding a donation cup. The text mentions 'St-Vincent de Paul'. The individual also carries a coat and has a braided hairstyle.
Impact Social

Fiecare donație contează! Află cum contribuția ta ajută comunitatea.

A large digital billboard in an urban setting displays a message encouraging blood donations, featuring an icon of a droplet with a plus sign. Surrounding the billboard are modern glass office buildings reflecting the sky. In the foreground, a person stands on rollerblades, looking at a phone next to a colorful blue trailer with branding on the side.
A large digital billboard in an urban setting displays a message encouraging blood donations, featuring an icon of a droplet with a plus sign. Surrounding the billboard are modern glass office buildings reflecting the sky. In the foreground, a person stands on rollerblades, looking at a phone next to a colorful blue trailer with branding on the side.
Evenimente Viitoare

Participă la evenimente care sprijină cauzele tale preferate și conectează-te cu alți donatori.

Am fost impresionat de impactul donațiilor mele! Confirmările și rapoartele primite de la Giveback m-au motivat să continui să sprijin cauzele care contează pentru mine.

Andrei Popescu

An overflowing donation bin with clothes spilling out onto the wet pavement. It is placed in a parking lot under overcast skies, surrounded by barren trees and parked vehicles.
An overflowing donation bin with clothes spilling out onto the wet pavement. It is placed in a parking lot under overcast skies, surrounded by barren trees and parked vehicles.
